Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letters: Gant will protect process

Letters: Gant will protect process


"Vote early and often" is attributed to Chicago's corrupt politics associated with Al Capone and Mayor Richard J. Daley. Every American citizen regards his or her vote as practically sacred. We want our vote protected and counted.

That's why I find the candidacy of Ben Nesselhuf for South Dakota secretary of state troubling. He is endorsed by the Secretary of State Project, which requires certain disturbing requirements of its endorsees.

The photo identification requirement for voting in South Dakota gives integrity to our voting process. Nesselhuf, while a state legislator in 2003, voted against HB1176, the bill that created the photo identification law in our state. The Secretary of State Project wants to abolish that protection.

Nesselhuf also advocates Election Day registration. Can you imagine someone registering and voting in every county on Election Day, leaving no time to check on voter validity? Perhaps "vote early and often" would apply here.

Furthermore, Nesselhuf would like to see the federal government take over our election process. Can you envision what a mess that would be?

I want my vote protected from fraud and manipulation.

I'm voting for Jason Gant, an honest man who will protect the integrity of the election process.

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